The Right Entity

Sole Proprietorship or Partnership?
LLC or S-Corp?
Are you ready for a C-Corp?

Entity selection is critical as your venture seeks the right balance of asset protection, tax treatment, corporate flexibility, and growth potential.

The Venture Pros help you select the right entity and process your corporate filings.

Your Business Plan

Plan for Success.  Execute your plan.

Investors want a plan, not just an idea.

The Venture Pros help you draft a complete and comprehensive business plan that envisions your future, sets credible goals, establishes progress milestones, attracts customers and investors, and supports your vision.

Your Operating Agreements

Every business with more than one member needs a set of Operating Agreements.

Your Articles of Incorporation, Operating Agreement, Bylaws, Buy-Sell Agreements, Executive Compensation Agreements, and other venture documents provide a strong foundation to govern your entity, improve decisionmaking, prepare for expansion, promote smooth transitions as owners exit, and create fair expectations for all owners.

The Venture Pros work with you to develop a custom set of Operating Agreements that fit your business and ownership interests.